Health and Safety
Health and Safety are a prime concern of the nursery. All members of staff follow health and safety guidelines at all times.

A first aid box is always available which is well stocked to meet the needs of adults and children. Accident report forms are reported to parents and carers on the day of the accident together with any first aid treatment given at the nursery. Serious accidents are reported to OFSTED within 14 days. Any accidents which relate to staff are recorded in the nursery accident book and reported under Health and Safety legislation when required to do so.

If a child becomes unwell at nursery we will contact parents and carers to arrange safe collection of the child. If the child is showing symptoms of an infectious disease we implement an outbreak management plan to prevent the spread of infections in group care.

The nursery carries out regular fire practises, which ensures that in the case of an emergency we have a very efficient evacuation routine.

The nursery is very conscious of the need for security; we take very careful steps to ensure the constant safety of all our children. These arrangements are discussed in detail with the Manager upon registration.

We will act on the advice given by agencies such as Ofsted, environmental health and the fire service and the Local Health Protection Agency.

The Nursery has a No Smoking/Vaping Policy.